Enterprise Ireland Competitive Start Fund

Enterprise Ireland Competitive Start Fund

A new call for funding for overseas applications will commence on 26th August 2015 from Enterprise Ireland. Startups active in Internationally traded services and Manufacturing qualify to apply. The deadline for applications is 9th September 2015. There is eligibility criteria  for applications, and the fund is directed at overseas applications for early stage companies who meet criteria set down by Enterprise Ireland. All applications for the fund must be made through the online portal on the Enterprise Ireland website (See link below) Here is a quick overview taken from the Enterprise Ireland Website:

Overview of the Competitive Start Fund

The purpose of the Competitive Start Fund is to accelerate the growth of start-up companies that have the capability to succeed in global markets. The fund is designed to enable those companies reach key commercial and technical milestones, for example:

  • Evaluate overseas market opportunities and reach firm conclusions regarding the viability of the proposed business.
  • Build a prototype.
  • Secure a reference site.
  • Develop a market entry plan for exploiting international opportunities.
  • Secure partnership deal or strategic alliance.
  • Identify suitable channels to international markets.
  • Secure third party investment e.g. business angel, Venture Capital.

For full details on the start up fund go to the dedicated page on the Enterprise Ireland website HERE